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Biasiswa Khazanah Global 2015

Biasiswa Khazanah Global  2015

Khazanah Global Scholarship Pogramme  2015

The Khazanah Global Scholarship is a prestigious award that offers opportunities for bright and high-achieving Malaysians to pursue Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies at selected leading universities around the world. In addition, recipients of the Khazanah Global Scholarship are provided with leadership trainings and job attachments at leading organisations in Malaysia.

The trainings, job attachments and exposures, and the facility to gain professional experience at leading corporations in the world represent opportunities that we provide in our quest to nurture our scholars to realise their potential to become Malaysia’s future business and industry leaders.

The duration of the scholarship will be for the full course of study, as stipulated in the offer of admission, subject to Yayasan Khazanah’s terms and conditions.
The scholarship is open to all Malaysians planning to pursue or are currently pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies at top universities in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia.


General Terms and Conditions

  1. Possess strong leadership skills and active participation in extra-curricular, social or voluntary activities
  2. Applicants must have a consistent and outstanding academic achievement record as follows: For Foundation Studies
    *successful applicants will be sent to Kolej Yayasan UEM, KYUEM to pursue A-level programme
    1. Obtained a minimum of 8As (combination of A and A+) in the recent SPM examination
    2. Not exceeding 18 years of age as at the enrolment date for the foundation studies
    For Undergraduate Studies
    1. Obtained a minimum 3As for A-level / 38 points for International Baccalaureate (IB) / a minimum CGPA 3.50/4.00 for Pre-university programme
    2. Obtained a minimum of Second Class Upper Division (UK and Australia University) or where there is a point system, obtained a minimum CGPA of 3.50 for Bachelor’s Degree in previous semester if currently studying at one of the approved universities
    3. Obtained admission to pursue (conditional offer can be considered) or currently pursuing studies at approved universities
    4. Not exceeding 21 years of age as at the enrolment date for the Degree programme
    For Master’s Degree
    1. Obtained a minimum of Second Class Upper Division (UK and Australia University) or where there is a point system, obtained a minimum CGPA of 3.50 for Bachelor’s Degree
    2. Obtained admission to pursue studies at renowned universities (Conditional offer can be considered)
    3. Not exceeding 40 years of age as at the enrolment date for the Master’s programme
    4. To provide research outline/ thesis summary (Research or mixed mode)
    For PhD
    1. Obtained a distinction or ‘A’ grade average or equivalent (if there is a point systems) for Master’s Degree
    2. Obtained admission or currently pursuing studies at renowned universities (Conditional offer can be considered)
    3. Not exceeding 40 years as at the enrolment date for the Doctorate programme
    4. To provide research outline / thesis summary on the topic they intend to pursue in the Doctorate programme
How To Apply ?
Application for Khazanah Scholarship must be made online at Yayasan Khazanah scholarship portal.
Closing Date
The deadline for the  Khazanah Global Scholarship Pogramme 2015 application is 15 March 2015. 
Khazanah Scholarship Programme – Application & Selection Timeline
Yayasan Khazanah Online Scholarship Application
No Description of activities Date
1. Advertisement
(Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, NST, The Star)
28th Feb – 1st March 2015
2. Online application 1st March – 15th March 2015
3. Closing Date 15th March 2015
4. First stage : Online Assessment
(For Global and Watan Scholarship Programme)
19th March – 22nd March 2015
5. Second stage : Online Assessment
(For Global and Watan Scholarship Programme)
25th March – 29th March 2015
6. Third stage : Competency Assessment & Interview Session
(For Global and Watan Scholarship Programme)
1st April – 4th April 2015
7. Fourth stage : Interview Session with Senior Management
(For Global and Watan Scholarship Programme)
7th April – 10th April 2015
8. Final stage : Interview with Board of Trustees
(For Global Scholarship Programme only)
29th April – 30th April 2015
* Note: The dates are subject to change and confirmation will be sent via email for successful candidates ONLY. Important Notice
  1. All communication will be done via email only.
  2. Submission of online application must not be later than 15th March 2015.
  3. If you do not hear anything from us by 18th March 2015, please consider your application is unsuccessful.
  4. The dates in the table above are subject to change. Please check your mailbox (including Junk E-mail box) regularly for any notification.
  5. Only online submission of application forms will be entertained. Should you have any clarification please contact us at 03-2034 0427 or 03-2034 4743 or email us at

Sponsor : Yayasan Khazanah Fund Type : Scholarship Target Recipient : Undergraduate /overseas Sponsor Contact : Website Contact No: 03-2034 0427 or 03-2034 4743

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