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Biasiswa MARA Dalam & Luar Negara Khusus Untuk Lepasan SPM 2014

Biasiswa MARA Dalam & Luar Negara Khusus Untuk Lepasan SPM 2014 

Program Persediaan Ijazah Dalam & Luar Negara Khusus Untuk Lepasan SPM 2014

Click MARA scholarship application form online link below to submit your application. As we all know that SPM exam result is out and many students are busy searching for money for college or university, and, getting a  college scholarship or education loan is one of the huge and hardest thing to do to continue your diploma or degree programmes.

 Biasiswa MARA 2015/2016 can be one of your best option and you can submit your scholarship application using MARA Scholarship Online Application Form 2015/2016 But before submitting your application, please read carefully the details on how to apply for MARA Scholarship 2015/2016.

The followings are some details about this scholarship offer. You are encouraged to visit MARA Scholarship Official Website to get more  info or the best option is to contact them directly.

Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) Scholarship Overview

Majlis Amanah Rakyat is an agency under Malaysia’s Ministry of Rural and Regional Development. Established on the 1st of March 1966, MARA is responsible for encouraging and facilitating social and economic development in the rural areas. Its main objective is to provide assistance to the Bumiputeras (especially in the rural areas) or scholarship for poor student to participate in any commercial and entrepreneurial activities, thus creating a stronger community.

Scholarships Offered:
Every year, MARA has offers scholarships for both local and overseas programmes. MARA Student Loans are also being offered to those qualified bumiputera students in Malaysia.

Who should apply:  Students who have the followings you are eligible to apply.  Read carefully the below-listed important basic requirements before submitting you application. 
  1. Applicants must be a bumiputera students
  2. Maintain good academic results and at the same time, are active in co-curricular activities (well-rounded)
  3. Have good leadership skills and are good at teamwork
  4. Are hardworking
  5. Are not suffering from any critical illnesses, eg: Hepatitis, AIDs, HIV etc.
Field of Study
This scholarship/student loans offer is available for the following field of studies only. The list may change from time-to-time.
  •     Medicine
  •     Dentistry
  •     Pharmacy
  •     Optometry
  •     Biotechnology
  •     Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical)
  •     Actuarial Science
  •     Accounting
  •     Information Technology/ Computer Science/ ICT
  •     Pure Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  •     Architecture
  •     Law
  •     Tourism
  •     Economics, Business Administration, Finance
  •     Islamic Economics, Islamic Business Administration, Islamic Finance
  •     Science
  •     Arts
  •     Education
How to apply
Submit your scholarship application online here at BORANG PERMOHONAN ONLINE BIASISWA MARA 2015/2016
how to apply for MARA scholarship or student loans

Contact Information
Should you need further information please use the below contact details.

Education Sponsorship Division
3rd Floor, MARA Head Office
21, Jalan Raja Laut
50609 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2613 2015/ 03-2613 2016
Fax: 03-2691 5854

Note: For more accurate and up-to-date info, contact MARA Education Sponsorship Division using the contact details above or visit MARA official webpage. 

Program Persediaan Ijazah Dalam & Luar Negara Khusus Untuk Lepasan SPM 2014

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