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Menariknya Portable Mini Projector Dell M110 Ultra Mobile

Menariknya Dell M110 Ultra Mobile Projector 

Saiz yang compact ...

 Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. Sebagai seorang guru, antara gadjet impian saya ialah Portable Mini Projector. Ini bagi memudahkan saya melaksanakan tugas-tugas saya sebagai Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling dan tugas-tugas yang diarahkan oleh pihak sekolah seperti Kelas Relief, pnp dan lain-lain. Maklumlah bila ada portable mini projector ni, selain mudah nak buat presantation on the spot, ianya juga ringan. Bagi saya yang OKU ni, kalau boleh nak bawa benda yang ringan-ringan je. :). Salah satu yang menarik perhatian saya ialah .....

Dell M110 Ultra Mobile Projector

The conference room in your laptop bag.



Dell M110 intrigues me because it is/has:

  • small and light (compared to other existing projectors that I've seen before)
  •  Sized for travel: Take your show on the road with this ultra-portable, ultra-mobile projector, small enough to stow in your laptop bag and so light you’ll forget that it’s there.
  • wireless connectivity (that means the projector can be connected to your laptop without using confusing cables)
  • Designed for performance: Bring your most vibrant presentations to life with bright, crisp, high-resolution LED projection, built-in speaker and optional HD.
  • Built for flexibility: Put it all on the big screen with optional wireless connection1 or HDMI input from an array of media sources, including DVRs, Blu-ray DiscTM  players, video game consoles, and even some mobile devices.
  • good enough to work in a brightly lighted room just like the classrooms in my school (that's what Dell claims)
  • PC-free presentation (if you don't have a computer, you can convert presentation files, such as PowerPoint  files, into JPEG files, and store them on your USB flash drive for instant viewing directly from the projector) 

Entry ini bukan berbayar, saya tulis di blog saya ini sebagai luahan impian gadjet saya untuk kepentingan dunia pendidikan yang saya ceburi....


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